Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Aromatherapy Herbs

Aromatic herbs are some of the most unusual plants species in the plant kingdom; nothing can be as useful and beneficial as Aromatherapy herbs, their contribution to the civilization is a fact well recognized. Aromatic plants are those which contain certain natural compounds called “natural scents.”
Most of these critical extracts are obtained from different parts of a plant like leaves, stem, flowers, seeds and roots. Though they are hidden in these parts, they can be extracted by distillation or fractionation processes. The number of catalogued aromatic herbs exceeds 250, though many of them are not really productive. How ever, about 100 varieties are known to possess unique compounds that are used as aromatherapy essential oils.
Herbs have a variety of effects including antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, sedative or stimulant properties.  By being aware of each plant's properties and used carefully the man can be relieved of various symptoms or illnesses. In general, all essential oils have the ability to strengthen the immune system, and are detoxifying in nature.  Essential oils can be used as preventative treatment; most symptoms can be reduced with regular treatment.
Various herbs and plants that can be used are - Basil, Lavender, Garlic, Aloe Vera, Seaweed, Nettle, Rosemary, Tea tree, Dandelion and Liquorices. Basil has expectorant and antibiotic/antiseptic properties.  Lavender is a relaxant.  Garlic is antiseptic, antibiotic and expectorant.  The expectorant properties make garlic excellent for the respiratory system.  The juice from a bulb of garlic can be used on cuts and bruises. 
Rosemary is an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic plant, its uses are various.  Tea Tree is an antiseptic and mild disinfectant which aids healing, strengthens the immune system.    Dandelion is used to treat kidney or liver disorders, the root stimulates the liver and the leaves act as a diuretic.   Liquorices can be used as an antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, demulcent, antispasmodic and expectorant herb.
Aromatic herbs, due its therapeutic properties, are cherished by many professionals in the world. Hundreds of recipes are researched and chronicled every day, ach with different use and application. Carefully selected herbs are chosen to extract essential oils and refined for a long shelf life.
Many herbs can even be grown in containers at home or cottage gardens; the fresh aroma and the sweet essence of flowers and leaves are sources of joy and relaxation for any garden owner. Aromatherapy herbs are known to special plants for special purposes; its organic extracts are all pure and 100% safe for therapeutic uses. Aromatic oils are eternal and man’s quest for perfection to acquire a pure essential oil is never ending

Aromatherapy Guide

Aromatherapy has been practiced for around for almost 3500 years and its application in daily lives is as old as our civilization itself. It is the exotic art, and science, of using oils extracted from aromatic plants and herbs to enhance health, emotional well being and beauty. Apart from the physical benefits, essential oils can have soothing effects on the mind and emotions.
The essential oils taken from plants and employed in Aromatherapy have been described as their "critical factors" - they are needed critically for the plants' biological process, as well as being the substance which gives them their scent and aroma. Synthetic oil, even if chemically similar, lacks all the natural factors, and that vital critical factor, that make essential oils so valuable.
Another reason why synthetic oils are not acceptable and desired is that the minor constituents are never identical in structure and composition. Essential oils are extracted from flowers; herbs; spices; woods and fibers, usually by distillation, expulsion and solvent extraction. Solvent extraction is only acceptable for aromatherapy, if the solvent used is completely removed after the manufacturing process and no traces are identifiable.
Here are some of the most common uses that are associated with essential oils:
For Massage:
This is the most effective method of using the oils, combining their properties with the therapeutic power of touch. The oils should never be used undiluted, but should be diluted with an odorless carrier oil, such as grape seed, sweet almond or peach kernel.

A dilution of 3% essential oil to carrier oil is a recommended level. This is approximately one drop essential oil to two milliliters of carrier oil. Essential oils are needed in very minute quantities. The skin is the largest surface part of the body and is designed to keep out contaminants from the skin layers.

For Bath:

Using oils in baths is a simple, effective and pleasant exercise to relax and receive the therapeutic and soothing effects. It is well known that water itself has therapeutic value, which further enhances the powers of the oils.

For daily bathing, add 6 to 10 drops of essential oil or a blend to the surface of the water, and then bathe yourself for about 20 minutes, whilst you deeply inhale the vapor. Be a bit careful about the quantum oil you use while bathing your children.

For Compressing

Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil to 100ml of warm water then soak a piece of clean cotton in the water, wring out the excess and place the cloth on the affected part.

For Inhalation

Add 5 to 10 drops of essential oil into a bowl of steaming water then place a towel over your head and the bowl and inhale the vapor for a few minutes. Feel yourself rejuvenated and free of tension.

For Vaporization

All essential oils are known antiseptic and evaporate easily, thus make very good air-fresheners. Different oils usually create different atmospheres. For example, relaxing Sandalwood or Clary Sage are good for ravishing parties; or cool Peppermint clears your mind when you need to work. Diffusers can be used to make oils diffuse slowly in your working room or living quarters.

As Perfumes

It is very easy to make your own distinctive perfume by skillfully blending different oils. Try blending with different combinations, which can be mixed with a carrier oil or non-fragrant alcohol. Do your own experiment.

Storing Essential Oils

Because essential oils are affected by sunlight and higher temperatures, they should be stored in dark glass bottles, with tight stopper caps. Cap should be secured properly and the bottle stored in an upright position.  Maintain a uniform temperature and moisture. Never allow these oils to come in contact with children.  Never store essential oils in plastic bottles. Good Essential oils have a shelf life of several years if properly stored, though the oils derived from orange, lemon and lime will not keep as long. Patchouli is rare kind oil which actually gets better as it ages.

Mixing Essential Oils

Blending different oils in various proportions can yield you some fabulous products. You should have right knowledge and a will to experiment various combinations.   It is strongly recommended that you use a good dropper so that you can measure the actual number of drops easily. Do not mix up oils as they are known to get unstable too quickly. Use a different dropper for different oil to avoid cross contamination.

Uses that are associated with aromatic essential oils are various; different oils have their own special applications and benefits. How ever, no single oil is exactly similar to another in its application, aroma, scent and appeal. It means any essential oil has its own charisma and special niche. Go ahead and enjoy the exotic presence of your own aromatic oil.

Aromatherapy Diffusers

Have you scented those exotic aromas of essential oils emanating from a wall diffuser? Essential oils emanate a subtle fume of aroma, when diffused slowly over a period of time. Diffusion of aromatic aroma brings a whiff of freshness in to your room, like a fresh forest wind. 
Diffusion is the process of dispersing essential oils so that their aroma fills a room or an area with the natural fragrance. From the simple to the detailed, many different methods exist for diffusing components oils into your room. Three easy methods exist which can be carried out with equipments you have in your household. Plus, there are numerous diffusers and diffusing devices available from aromatherapy vendors.
The essential advantages of using diffusers are:
1.      The complex but unstable aromas of your favorite oil can be diffused slowly over a period of time.
2.      You can use any type of oil for diffusing their aromatic fumes.
3.      On diffusion, the oil gives out aroma in a calculated manner, from the unstable high note to more stable low note.
4.      You can feel progressive onset of different stages of aromas.
You can methods that are simple and can be done in your home itself:
Simple Tissue Diffusion:  Drop 3-4 drops of essential oil on a tissue and place it near you. As movement occurs in the room, you will notice the distinct aroma. This method can be used anywhere, how ever this method does not emit much aroma into a room.
Steam Diffusion: Make boil 2 cups of water. Pour the water into a bowl and add up to 10 drops of oil to the water. Use fewer drops if you are allergic. The steam will heat up the oils and cause them to evaporate quickly into the room. This method will quickly diffuse the oil into a room and the aroma is not exceptionally long-lasting and it is highly unstable.
Candle Diffusion: Light a candle and allow it to burn for about 5 minutes. Put off the flame and place 1 drop of essential oil in the melted wax and then relight the candle. As essential oils are highly flammable please be very careful. The aroma is short lived.
Apart from these home made methods, several diffusers are available among many vendors. Decide on what you need to buy, what oils to be used and how much will need to be paid. Here are some of the diffusers that are available in the market today:
Lamp Rings: Lamp rings are in essence a terra-cotta ring that sets directly and correctly onto a light bulb. It has a deep grooved lip that wraps around it. This lip holds essential oil. The heat from a light bulb heats the essential oil in the Lamp Ring and the oil is then gently diffused into the room. Lamp Rings are usually inexpensive. If any essential oil seeps onto the light bulb, the light bulb could burst. Some of the essential compounds might get altered chemically.
Clay Pot Diffusers:  A clay pot diffuser contains an opening for adding essential oils. A cork is used to close the opening. The oils permeate through the pot and then diffuse out into the room. The intensity of the aroma depends on the quantity of essential oil that is added to the clay pot. Clay pot diffusers are inexpensive, easy to use, and do not require electricity or batteries. The aroma is strongest in the initial stages and later it dissipates as time passes.
Candle Diffusers: A candle diffuser is a diffuser that uses a small tea light or other candle to gently heat the essential oil to promote diffusion into a room. A candle diffuser is usually made of ceramic or metal. The diffuser has an opening for a candle and a little container for storing essential oil. Candle diffusers are inexpensive, depending on the style and design. Candle diffusers do not require electricity or batteries. There may be a certain loss of essential compounds as the heat will destroy them very gradually.
Fan Diffusers:  A fan diffuser uses a fan to blow the essential oils into the air. To use a fan diffuser, essential oils are placed on an absorbent pad or into a tray. The pad or tray is placed into the unit and then the power switched on. The fan then blows air across this pad or tray and transports the aroma throughout the room. Fan diffusers are available in a different brands and styles. Based on the brand and model, they can fragrance a large area. Fan diffusers are very easy to use and are portable. Some times you will need to buy the pad and often these units create some noise.
Electric Heat Diffusers: Like fan diffuser, heat diffusers use heat and a fan to gently heat the oil and disperse the aroma into a room. Electric heat diffusers will disperse aromas over larger areas, depending on the brand and style. They can also help to more efficiently disperse the aromas of thicker oils such as Sandalwood and Patchouli. Some of the components of essential oil may get lost during heating.
Nebulizers: A nebulizer is a device that takes essential oils and breaks them into separate molecules before dispersing the smaller molecules into the room. A nebulizer is a small device consisting of two main parts: a plastic base that contains the motor and a very unusual, clear blown-glass looking device that holds and "nebulizes" the oils.
It is said that nebulizers can supply greater therapeutic benefit than the use of other diffusers because they break the oils down into smaller molecules. The glass piece is highly breakable and expensive to replace. Some essential oils can not be used with nebulizers as they can clog the opening.
You can pick up any of these diffusers available in the market; but rest assured of their action and get ready to experience the exotic aromas swirling around you, like mists of magic

Aromatherapy Candle

Candles provide a glowing history as an object of exoticness and reverence; its use is as old as the human history itself. Many great civilizations and modern societies have held candles as an instrument of radiance; its radiance properties surpass any other similar objects.  Candles have long been used as a 'mood-setting' addition to a room or occasion and now more innovative aromatherapy candles enhance that goal.

Aromatherapy practice uses natural essential oils that are absorbed through massage, ingestion or olfaction (also called sensory). Aromatic oils are also use to make candles, which candles have a physiological or therapeutic effect on mood through their fragrance.
 How ever, scented candles should not be confused with aromatherapy candles. Scented candles simply contain a fragrance, most probably artificial, whereas aromatherapy candles contain natural essential oils.
Probably, one of the most well-known aromatherapy oils for alleviating stress and anxiety is lavender. A bowl of floating lavender aromatherapy candles to accompany your bath will help you relax after a long day. A small candle on your dining table will sway your desolate mood in to feeling of satisfaction.

For every mood and moment, there is an aromatherapy candle. Some of these top-rated essential oils might be found in aromatherapy candles:

Sage                : This oil helps with insomnia and relaxation;
Chamomile      : Exciting oil used for relaxing, helps with sleeplessness and anxiety;
Rosemary        : An out of the world oil, which is stimulating and uplifting and good for mental stimulation;
Grapefruit       : Freshly uplifting and refreshing
Eucalyptus      : A strong oil which helps with respiratory problems and boosts the immune system;
Ylang Ylang    : Soothing oil as a good antidepressant that helps you relax and sleep;
Geranium        : Its sober effects help with relaxation while also being uplifting; helps balance hormones in women;
Peppermint      : Sweet aroma helps with digestive disorders, headaches and muscle aches;
Lemon             : Invigorating oil which uplifts and relaxes you senses;

As with any health product, you should understand what you are using when burning aromatherapy candles. You must know which type of oil is used in your candles. Certain essential oils can be harmful; it is always advised to be careful. Any type of candle can be formulated to serve as an aromatherapy candle, whether it's a floating, pillar, gel, votive or even jar candle.
Even though the doubts around the effectiveness aromatherapy are still present, all of us do know that candles and aromas are effective for evoking mood and emotions.  You will notice candles labeled as "aromatherapy" candles range greatly in price; the price ranging from a low to high cost depending on the quality and availability of oil.  Several factors effect the price such as types and qualities of wax, additives or purity, as well as other factors related to manufacturing.  How ever, one main ingredient which can make or break the success of a candle as well as the price is its fragrance. 
You can make your own aromatherapy candles too at your home! The best waxes for aromatherapy candles are of course a bit more expensive.  Many natural waxes such as soy, palm and beeswax burn cleaner and do not emanate soot and are not petroleum or polymer based such as paraffin or gel waxes.  More natural cotton or zinc core wick should be used instead of leaded wick because of health hazard issues. 
Instead of adding dye to color the candle, include natural substances like herbs and flower petals.  Always use pure essential oils for fragrance.  This is definitely expensive, but worth it plus you can mix and match your own blends.  Palm wax or palm/beeswax blend candles are always better, because they burn so long and clean and they blend quite easily with your oils.  Essential oils should be added after the wax has melted and started cooling to preserve the integrity of the fragrance as they easily breakdown and evaporate.
Decorating your candle can be as easy as tying a ribbon around it to adding pressed flowers to it.  Make several small motiffs or round candles and add to a basket for a great gift idea. Candles attach emotional importance to any occasion and moments; a great aromatherapy candle has that great ability to enhance the mood and ambience of any environment

Aromatherapy Blends

Blending aromatherapy oils in to a well balanced mix is a workmanship that is a combination of an art as well as aesthetic ness.  Aromatherapy blends that complement workout routines in our daily lives are among the fastest growing uses of aromatherapy today. 

An essential oil blend is created for aesthetic and/or therapeutic benefits. No special skill is required to produce a successful blend but a spirit of creativity and a thorough knowledge of oils will help, along with a clear understanding of the intended use of the blend. A sensible aromatherapy blend employs all-natural, pure essential oils and delivers a clear benefit. The oils combined in it should be synergistic and harmonious enough to support and enhance oil's effect.
Before starting your blending work, it's very important to understand essential oils in general, as well as the specific parameters and aroma profiles of the oils you want to work with.
Essential oils are essentially very volatile. When you uncap a bottle of essential oil and expose it to the air, its aroma profile immediately begins to spread, develop and change. It undergoes certain defined morphological changes during its life span.
 The three main stages of these changes are known as the top note stage, middle stage, and dry out stage. These stages of volatility coincide with three characteristics of the aroma profile known as top notes, middle notes and base notes. The top note stage appears first and corresponds with the most volatile, productive and unstable aroma compounds of the oil.
The aromas of these compounds are very subtle, smooth and fleeting, sometimes lasting just for a few seconds before dissipating. As the top notes evaporate very gradually, the oil enters its middle stage, in which the aroma body is most developed and balanced. A portion of the top notes remain, the middle notes are most apparent and sensible while the base notes are beginning to develop slowly.
As the middle stage progresses slowly, the base notes become visible and more noticeable, because they consist of compounds that are slow to volatilization. When the base notes finally evaporate, a faint but light dry out note lingers. The aroma profile of the dry out stage is thin, sometimes pungent, and suggests the presence of the oil. The dry out component can be thought of as the matrix or the soul of the oil.
Based on their individual aroma profiles, oils can be categorized into top notes, middle notes and bottom notes. A very delicate, highly volatile oil like bergamot is considered top note oil. Well balanced oil like clary sage would be known as middle note oil. Deep, rich, very tenacious oil like patchouli is considered base note oil. 
When creating a blend, attempt for balance between top, middle and base note oils. Well balanced oil has a complex aroma profile and maintains the aromatherapy benefit throughout the various stages, although the characteristics of the scent may change. It is more stable and its usage spells a clear motive and defined benefit.
Before blending, analyze the various aroma profiles of the oils by dispensing a drop of oil on blotter paper or unscented tissue. Concentrate, inhale and note your impressions. Write notes and build notes for future reference. Trust your impressions and experience of the oils. Try to be connoisseur of smell. What do the different aromas remind you of? How do they under go change and develop throughout the various stages? How does the oil's fragrance make you feel?
As you develop a definite picture of the oils, visualize how they'll work with each other in a blend. Just decide about the part of the oil to be used, which effects are to be enhanced and which harsh characters needs to be toned down.
As a basic blend, just try to imagine a “DAY OUT BLEND” that helps you relax and unwind after stressful day. Your blend should be soothing and relaxing to your nerves, but also able to drive away the troubles of the day and give that much needed boost to carry you through the at home.
Two of the excellent relaxing oils are chamomile and lavender. Uplifting oils include bergamot and lemon. A careful blend of these oils would produce a light, sweet aroma with complex top and middle notes. The bergamot, lemon and chamomile oil components would lend this blend a fruity sweetness. The lavender would make the sweetness a wee bit more floral-botanical.
If you need the blend to be a little less sweet and more stimulating, a little amount of herbaceous, yet penetrating rosemary could be dispensed. The relaxing, spicy-woody oil of rosewood will serve as an effective base to this blend. If you observe, all essential effects of these oils are purely complimentary and in no way conflicting!
Try and learn which essential oils would match the benefit and aroma you're after. Then begin an experiment with various quantities and combinations, until you create the blend you want. Always try to keep notes on what you're doing, so upon a perfect blend you can repeat and make it more perfect. 
A workout blend would inspire a perfectly positive attitude about improving health and physical appearance. A perfect blend is invigorating, inspiring and uplifting and such properties of essential oils can help you boost confidence and commitment all through the day. Some oils are activating, others soothe and calm, and still others fight workout odors. Some work like catalyst, while others are purely energizing.
Some of the invigorating and inspiring oils are: Basil, cypress, eucalyptus, fir needle, ginger, grapefruit, juniper berry, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, orange, peppermint, petit grain, rosemary and thyme.
Examples of soothing and relaxing oils are: Cedar wood, chamomile, frankincense, jasmine, lavender, neroli, patchouli, rose, rosewood, sandalwood and ylang ylang.
Anti-odor and Refreshing oils are: All citrus oils, including bergamot, grapefruit, Limon, lime, orange, and tangerine. Other anti-odor oils are coriander, fir needle, juniper berry and lavender